Keep your personal assets protected with competitively priced insurance policies for people in Hamilton and the greater Waikato region. Receive expert advice and ensure the right policy for your needs.
If you have invested in assets like a new home or a nice car, then you want to protect those assets should the worst happen. Having adequate home insurance and car insurance can help you recover should something happen whether a natural disaster, accident or deliberate act.
Bridges Insurance Services offers tailored solutions for your personal insurance needs. Our Waikato-based insurance brokers have access to a wide range of quality NZ insurers so our team can tailor a policy to meet your needs with a competitive premium.
Comprehensive Insurance
Insurance to protect
Ensure you are covered for every stage of your life.
Expert brokers
Receive expert advice, and ensure the right policy for your needs.
Based in Hamilton, serving businesses throughout New Zealand.
We are here for you.
Don't leave your assets unprotected any longer. Talk to us about our insurance packages. Our team are here to help you with that little bit of piece of mind. No need to worry, we have you covered.
Ready to get a free quote? Fill out our online form and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements.

Need to make a claim?
Fill out our simple online form and we will help you.